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ASL Branch

Photo by huePhotography/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by huePhotography/iStock / Getty Images


At Wiz + Kid Tutoring, we understand that confidence is the most important factor in the academic success of your children. Since our founding date, Wiz + Kid Tutoring has centered its philosophy and values around helping students get and stay ahead by unlocking their full potential, not only academically but from within. 

Where traditional education fails is in recognizing that students who are deaf have a learning difference, not a disability. Our ASL tutors know first hand how intelligent, ambitious and eager these children are. They are ready to take on the challenges of this world and when provided the appropriate support are capable of accomplishing nearly anything. Whether learning, growing, or thriving, Wiz + Kid Tutoring ensures to make learning fun together. In that way, we can ace any test or overcome any challenge that comes our way.

Those with learning differences know first-hand that there is something special about learning in their unique way. While it may not be evident initially, as they are constantly faced with outside bias of standardized education, in time the advantage of seeing the world differently will reveal itself as empowering.

That is our gift and if it is properly supported, it can be our path to success. When others fail to solve problems, we can. When others fall short, we go the distance. We do not think one way, we think many ways, and this diversity can change the world. 

I am so proud of our ASL family and we look forward to being a part of your journey toward realizing your dreams.